The best User-Centered Designed Archive Manager

Compressing and extracting archive file are two necessary features to a file manager for Android, sure our Tomi File Manager supports the two features now.

Besides developing functions, what we considered is how to perfectly combine using scenes in high frequency at use side with each feature of product.

Compress and Share, is the first idea comes to our mind.

While sharing files or folders, normally, we need to create a temporary folder at first, and copy all selected files or folders to this folder. And then we compress this temporary folder as a zip file, and share this zip file to others at last.

Now using our Tomi File Manager, it turns to be a very easy progress. What you need to do is just select folder or files, and then tap the Share option. Our Tomi File Manager will help you to “Compress and Share”.

For example, while you select more than one file from special category (e.g. music, pictures, videos, docs, or download) to share, you have free right to share directly or share after compressing. If you select “Compress & Share”, Tomi File Manager will compress all selected files as a zip file, and then prompt you the sharing options.


Open and Preview Archive File like open local folder

Archive files is different from normal files on mobile devices, our Tomi File Manager enable you the most intuitive way to preview all compressed files in archive folder. For example, after received archive file through other file transfer tools, our Tomi File Manager can open this kind of file and preview files in it just like open a local folder.

Extract compressed file with Tomi Archiver

Before extract compressed file, I will open the archive by Tomi Archiver to preview at first. While find out file I need, what I need to do is just select it and extract. Tomi Archiver will extract the completed folder structure to appointed position, and only the selected file will be extracted. And furthermore, I can also simply extract all compressed files in archive to the folder, and search the file I want.

In a word, Tomi File Manager supports the simplest feature to manage archive file beside basic compress and extract features.

Download the best User-Centered Designed Tomi File Manager

[ilovefreesoftware]Tomi File Manager For Android: Manage Your Files In A Sleek Interface

Tomi File Manager for Android is a free file manager for Androidwhich features a sleek and innovative interface. This free app shows you the details about the storage space on the front page and gives you direct and quick access to videos, pictures, music, apps, and documents. Tomi File Manager for Android features a nice and snappy interface. Also it has the ability to act as a Root file manager, which is an added bonus.

Using Tomi File Manager for Android:

You can get this free file manager from the link or QR code given at the end of this review. When launched for the first time, you will have the welcome interface in front of you. Tap on the ‘Let’s go’ button to start using the app and you will be presented with main interface as seen here; which seems to be celebrating the World Cup at this time.

Below you can see the sleek and clean interface of the Tomi File Manager. It shows you the distribution of your storage as a pie chart along with quick access to music, pictures, videos, Documents, apps, and downloads.

Tapping on the quick access shows you an interface using which you can quickly interact with things without digging or searching for them in the storage space. Below you can see the interface for pictures and music.

Now let’s explore the main feature of the app. Tapping on the ‘Directory’ button at the very bottom of the interface will bring up the main file explorer. It gives you pretty standard interface along with controls on the bottom.

If you like to access all the options in Tomi File Manager for Android then tap and hold a file and you will be presented the options. It gives options to move file to another folder, compress the file, hide the file, share file, etc.

To enable the root explorer function simply go the settings and toggle the root explorer option.


Tomi File Manager for Android has a clean, simple and sleek interface and is really handy while using it. This is a pretty neat file explorer for anyone does not want to be bombarded with options which they will never use.

Also check out 5 Free File Manager Apps for Android.

Get Tomi File Manager for Android or scan the QR code below.

[]Tomi File Manager

Der „Tomi File Manager“ ist nicht einfach nur ein üblicher Dateiverwalter, sondern bringt auf gekonnte Weise Ordnung in das Dateichaos auf deiner Speicherkarte. (kostenlos, ohne In-App-Käufe)



Wie alle Dateiverwalter erlaubt es dir der „Tomi File Manager“, Dateien zu verschieben, zu kopieren, zu löschen und umzubenennen. Nicht jeder Anwender benötigt einen Dateiverwalter. Sinnvoll ist ein derartiges Programm jedoch dann, wenn du es dir nicht vom Betriebssystem und von den diversen Apps vorschreiben lassen möchtest, wo du deine Dateien speicherst. Oder wenn du gelegentlich hinter schlampigen Apps aufräumen willst.

Die Besonderheit des Tomi File Manager besteht darin, dass das Programm nicht nur brav und konventionell die Dateien eines ausgewählten Ordners auflisten kann. Sondern darüber hinaus auch in der Lage ist, Dateien eines bestimmten Typs gemeinsam anzuzeigen, auch wenn sie sich in verschiedenen Ordnern auf der Speicherkarte befinden. Auf diese Weise erhältst du eine übersichtliche Liste entweder aller Fotos, aller Videos, aller Musikstücke oder aller Office-Dateien. Die Fotos und Videos zeigt die App in einer Zeitleiste an. Die Musikdateien lassen sich nach Stücken, Alben, Interpreten und Jahren sortieren.

Ein schöner Bonus: Wenn dein Smartphone oder Tablet gerootet ist, dann kannst du mit dem Tomi File Manager auch auf die Ordner und Dateien des Betriebssystems zugreifen.

Die verschiedenen Dateitypen können sortiert angezeigt werden.


Zusätzlich zu den Standardfunktionen eines Dateiverwalters bietet der Tomi File Manager die willkommene Möglichkeit, automatisch übersichtliche Listen anzulegen, in denen alle Fotos, Videos, Musikstücke oder Office-Dateien zu finden sind – selbst wenn sie wild auf der Speicherkarte verteilt sind.


Download Tomi File Manager on Play Store:


i file manager di Android sono sempre più funzionali: ad esempio, in KitKat raggruppano i contenuti anche per Documenti, Immagini etc…C’è sempre la possibilità, tuttavia, che manchino alcune funzionalità ritenute necessarie dall’utenza.In questo caso non rimane altro che rivolgersi al PlayStore e cercare soluzioni alternative, come quella che presenteremo in questa guida.  “Tomi File Manager”

Appena avviato, troveremo un’interfaccia molto chiara. Accanto alla divisione dei contenuti per categoria, ormai un vero must, è presente l’icona col il rapporto tra lo spazio libero e lo spazio occupato del nostro terminale.
In basso, alla voce “Directory”, è presente il menu che visualizza l’albero delle cartelle presenti.
Selezioniamo una cartella e, grazie ai comandi nascosti in “More” (in basso a destra), creiamo un collegamento sul Desktop del device. La cartella o il file selezionato, possono anche essere rinominati, cancellati, copiati, trasferiti e…condivisi usando gran parte delle applicazioni social o comunicative installate sul terminale.
Particolarmente interessanti, infine, si rivelano il “Root Manager” ed il “Picture Manager”. Il primo consente di visualizzare ed editare file importanti come l’Hosts mentre il secondo visualizza, a mo’ di galleria (con opzioni di condivisione), le tante immagini stoccate sul nostro amato smartphone o tablet.

[androidpuertorico]Tomi File Manager v.1.3.2 – Administrador de Archivos

Tomi File Manager, es un gestor de archivos que nos ofrece una forma muy conveniente de acceder a todos nuestros archivos de música, fotos, videos, documentos y aplicaciones instaladas en nuestro equipo. 

A diferencia de otros gestores de archivos para Android, Tomi Free Manager enfoca sus capacidades en 5 principales categorías, basándose en los tipos de archivos que más comúnmente se gestionan en los dispositivos móviles: Musica, Fotos, Videos, Documentos y Aplicaciones. 


Con una interfaz de usuario amigable e intuitiva, este administrador de archivos permite acceder rápidamente a todo este contenido de una manera ordenada e incluso desinstalar múltiples aplicaciones al mismo tiempo.
La pantalla principal nos muestra un gráfico circular con el espacio libre y el espacio total de almacenamiento en el dispositivo. Del lado derecho de la pantalla están dispuestas todas las categorías que mencionábamos anteriormente, mientras que en la parte inferior hay una opción que nos permite acceder a los principales directorios a través de su explorador de archivos integrado.







Simplify the way to manage your own files on mobile devices

File management is a basic but strong need to users who are using android devices. But, obviously you do not need to pay any attention to system files and files of installed applications. YOUR OWN FILES is just what you want to manage, like music files, call recordings, pictures, videos, documents and etc…

Frankly speaking, available file manager apps can help you to manage these files, but no one focuses on the right way of managing your own files before Tomi File Manager.

Managing files with folders, like on Microsoft Windows, indexing system files, files of installed apps, and users’ own files in one list, we call it File Manager 1.0. For example, display pictures with name like “20140615_xxxx.jpg” in a list or folder, I do not think you can know for what it is.

Collecting your own files into intuitive categories, and make the simplest way to reach your target file, this is the most significant difference from Tomi File Manager to other file manager apps. Just looking for pictures, what you get is thumbnails in timeline, as well as image properties (include Focal length, White balance, and so on) not file properties.

Music, pictures, videos, and documents, these are main types of your own files on mobile device. What Tomi File Manager do is just simplifying the way to find out these files to save your time, and following your needs to file management.

Anyway, Tomi file manager is absolutely working on the simplest and fast management to your own files on mobile device.

Simplify the way to manage your own files on mobile devices

Simplify the way to manage your own files on mobile devices

Try the best free file manager for Android on Google Play Store Now!

[apks]Tomi File Manager – 1.3.1

Tomi File Manager   1.3.1
Application Details
APK Size: 2.17 MB
APK Version: 1.3.1
Upload Date: 2014-06-18



APK Name:

Tomi File Manager

APK Full Name:

Tomi File Manager

Hash: 16ecf1ff6e7b8b55ad34597ad834d5da
INFO: com-tomitools-filemanager
Other Version: com-tomitools-filemanager

Tomi File Manager   1.3.1Tomi File Manager   1.3.1

Featured file manager, manage your own music, pictures, videos, documents, downloads and applications easily and high efficiently, support Root Explorer

Tomi File Manager is a featured file manager application, intuitively groups music, pictures, videos, documents, downloads and applications into categories,and focuses on providing simple and fast management solution to YOUR OWN files on mobile devices.

Tomitools invites you vote the features you want for our next update:

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Highlights of Tomi Free File Manager

☆ Organize Files Into Distinct Category: Intuitively group users’ own music, pictures, videos, documents, downloads and applications into categories, and create simple and fast way to file management.

☆ Visualized Storage Usage Statistics: Show statistics to local storage usage in visualized pie chart with distinct colors which represent different types of files, external SD card supported.

☆ Fast & Intuitive: Simple to use, super-fast and smooth UI, plus high-efficiency user experience.

Features of Tomi File Manager for Android

► Root Explorer

Enable quick access to data files

Self text editor enabled

Modify folder & file with full permission

Manage pre-installed application

► Music Manager

Sort music by songs, albums, artists, and years

Tap to play music

Copy and past music file to target folder

Manage music in different folders

Manage ringtones, call recordings

Select all files to copy, delete, and share

► Picture Manager

Display photos in timeline by shooting date

Tap picture to view

Copy photo to target folder

Select all pictures to copy, move, or delete

Access details

Jump to picture in folder on storage

Manage picture in different folders

Share photo to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Line, and WhatsApp

► Video Manager

Display video in timeline by shooting date

Manage videos in different folders

Tap video file to play

Upload to Dropbox, Google Drive

Share video to YouTube and Instagram

Copy, delete video file

Select all videos to copy, delete, and share

► Document Manager

Display document in list and group with same type

Support PDF, Office Word, Office Excel, Office PowerPoint, Text, and etc.

Manage documents in folders

Tap to view document

Copy, delete, share, and view details

Select all files to copy & paste, delete and share

Share file through Bluetooth, Email, Wi-Fi

Upload document to Dropbox, Google Drive, and other cloud storage

► Application Manager

Uninstall application one by one, or in bundle

Access to details of application

► Download Manager

Sort downloads with intuitive category

Manually add download directory

Copy, delete, and share file

Jump to file in folder on storage

Share file through Email, Bluetooth, and Cloud storage

Backup downloads to Google Drive, Dropbox, and other cloud storage

► Full Directory Explorer & Manager

Explorer directory and file on system storage

Slide up to launch directory browser

Manage external SD Card

Remember your common used folder

Create new folder

Rename folder

Copy, delete, and view details

Display in titles, or in list

Sort by name, size, type and last modified time

Sort in ascending or descending order

Tomi File Manager supports Archive Manager Now!

Hi all,

Tomi File Manager is a featured file manager application, intuitively groups music, pictures, videos, documents, downloads and applications in categories,and focuses on providing simple and fast management solution to YOUR OWN files on mobile devices.

Download Tomi File Manager Now:
Google Play Store:…ls.filemanager
On Dropbox:…le_Manager.apk
Please vote features you want here:….php?t=2779601
The history vote result list on 2nd floor.

Version: 1.3.0
Size: 2.2MB
Support: Android 3.0 and above

Changes to v1.2.1
1. New Tomi Archiver, supports zip and RAR;
2. Enable compress files, supports zip format;
3. Extract archive files, supports zip and RAR;
4. Improve effects to browse pictures;
5. Hide pictures, videos, music, and documents in specific folder;
6. Special cartoon to celebrate the World Cup 2014 Brazil;
7. Some minor bugfixes.

Highlights of Tomi Free File Manager
☆ Organize Files Into Distinct Category: Focus on users’ own music, pictures, videos, documents, downloads and applications, and create an easy simple but high-efficiency way for management.
☆ Visualized Storage Usage Statistics: Show statistics to local storage usage in visualized pie chart with distinct colors which represent different types of files, external SD card supported.
☆ Fast & Intuitive: Simple to use, super-fast and smooth UI, plus high-efficiency user experience

Features of Tomi File Manager for Android

► Music Manager



► Picture Manager



► Video Manager


► Document Manager



► Application Manager



► Download Manager



► Full Directory Explorer & Manager


[]Tomi File Manager (Android) умно отсортирует память смартфона по типам файлов


Опытные пользователи смартфонов не представляют своей жизни без хорошего файлового менеджера. Требования к нему могут разниться, но, скорее всего, среди них есть пожелания приятного внешнего вида и функции быстрого поиска файлов. Именно эти качества и присущи Tomi File Manager для Android. Если вы все еще находитесь в поисках достойного помощника или не против познакомиться с хорошей альтернативой используемому, не проходите мимо Tomi File Manager. Менеджер умеет быстро и качественно ориентироваться среди хаоса, творящегося в памяти телефона, предоставляя информацию в максимально легкой визуальной форме.

Наглядность — джокер Tomi File Manager. Главный козырь — дизайн. Остальные возможности тоже придутся кстати. Стартовый экран приложения дает информацию о наличии свободного места на телефоне и разбивает занятую память по типам файлов в виде диаграммы.


Коснитесь одной из категорий бокового меню, например «Изображения». Менеджер отобразит все ваши снимки с камеры, фотовложения из мессенджеров, скриншоты экрана, обложки альбомов и все-все-все, что можно отнести к изображениям. Причем вы увидите не просто список файлов, а их миниатюры. Картинки сортируются в хронологическом порядке их создания.


Интересная особенность категории «Apps» — возможность удаления нескольких приложений. Достаточно выделить ненужные утилиты и поочередно дать разрешение на их стирание. Раздел «Музыка» содержит вашу музыкальную коллекцию, имеющиеся рингтоны, звуки уведомлений, записи диктофона. Аудиофайлы могут отображаться сквозным списком либо быть отсортированы по альбомам, артистам и годам.


Разумеется, предусмотрена и привычная навигация по папкам системы. Обладатели ROOT-устройств смогут воспользоваться своими привилегиями. На ваш выбор предлагается два варианта отображения списка папок и четыре сортировочных фильтра.


В рамках обзора достаточно тяжело описать все функции Tomi File Manager. Их немало, и зависят они от набора файлов вашего смартфона. Просто тапайте по кнопке «More» в нижней части экрана и знакомьтесь с дополнительными возможностями. Tomi File Manager производит очень приятное визуальное впечатление и расширяет привычный способ поиска по папкам телефона с помощью умной системы сортировки по типам файлов.

Download Tomi File Manager from Google Play Store

[phonedog]Tomi File Manager app review

Are you the type of person that carries their entire life on their phone? The handy part about owning a smartphone is that you’re able to carry a lifetime’s worth of data in your pocket. But let’s be honest: sometimes your smartphone can feel a bit cluttered once you start filling up its storage. The Tomi File Manager, made by Tomitools, is a free app available on the Play Store that will help you manage the files on your smartphone, and it just might be the answer for those of you looking to have easy access to the files on your handset.  Let’s check out the Tomi File Manager.

The first thing that I noticed when I started up the Tomi File Manager is how clean and easy to understand the app is. It welcomes you with an uncluttered dashboard page that displays your current hard-drive usage, a directory and links to specific file categories like music, documents, apps and pictures. Inside each category are great built-in management tools to help maintain the files that you’re viewing. Navigating from page to page is fast and I found virtually zero lag in any of my actions. For me this is a big deal, as the Tomi File Manager aims to be legitimate tool for managing my system.Image


Despite its name, the Tomi File Manager does so much more than just managing your files. The app also lets you share files to social media; upload them to cloud services; edit documents with a built-in editor that supports PDFs, Office and text files; play multimedia files within the app; manage and uninstall applications and even create new folders for important files.

I especially like that last feature. In the past, it always frustrated me to try to move or copy a file to a different folder on my phone. It was easier to manage the device’s files on my computer than it was on the phone itself.  Now I can create a new folder, name it whatever I want and then move files into that folder. It may seem like a small feature, but it makes the world of difference to someone that wants to easily organize their device.


The directory at the bottom of the dashboard page gives an overview of your entire file library and also includes a handy search function. If it were up to me, I’d find a way to include the search right on the dashboard page to make finding files even faster, and it would also be cool to see some photo editing options inside of the app just to keep me from leaving. However, these are minor niggles in an app full of features. Tomitools does a lot right with this one, and I can’t wait to see how it improves in the future.

The Wrap-up:

The Good: The Tomi File Manager has a clean look and efficient tools that make viewing and managing your smartphone’s files an easy task.

The Bad:  The app has a nice text editor but offers little else in terms of editing other files.

The Verdict: I’m going to keep the Tomi File Manager installed on my device.  It may not be jam-packed full of editing tools, so I’ll need to use other apps for those needs. As tool to view, move and copy my files, though, Tomitools has given me a great solution for my personal device. Be sure to try out the Tomi File Manager for free on the Google Play Store and let me know what you think about the app in the comments below!